

Analysis of the status quo of China's pig slaughtering industry in 2016

Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture in the national slaughter and slaughter and regulation of pig slaughtering special rectification work conference stressed: to strengthen the slaughter of livestock and poultry supervision, guarding the "tip of the security." It is understood that pig slaughter program cumbersome, in the past than the traditional manual slaughter and processing methods, requires a lot of manpower. Now, with the slaughter of equipment to accelerate the development of mechanization, pig slaughter also entered the ranks of automated production.

Development of Slaughter Management in China

On January 1, 1998, the State Council promulgated and implemented the Regulations on the Administration of Pig Slaughter. Regulate pig slaughtering behavior, improve the quality of pig products to protect people's meat safety, and achieved remarkable results. In 2013, the State Council decided to hand over the Ministry of Commerce's pig slaughter management function to the Ministry of Agriculture. Since then, pig slaughter management has entered a new stage. The foundation of our country's meat industry was established from the 1950s. So far divided into four stages:

(1) long management period (1950 - 1954), the way of slaughter is mainly manual operation, a knife, a pot; meat inspection only check the carcass, check the internal organs and head hoof; test project is incomplete, missed The

(2) unified management period (1955 - 1985), the Ministry of Commerce unified leadership slaughterhouse and indoor health work, will be scattered in agriculture, health, supply and marketing, foreign trade and other departments of the slaughterhouse unified under the Ministry of Commerce belong to the food company And the branches of the unified leadership, unified management; the health sector on the slaughterhouse construction, equipment, environmental health, meat processing, storage and marketing of health supervision and guidance; animal husbandry and veterinary departments of the slaughterhouse veterinary work supervision and guide.

(3) Release business period (1986-1997), pig slaughter from the exclusive management of state-owned food companies into a variety of economic entities multi-channel operation. Due to the lack of legal norms of management, there have been a series of new issues. Mainly: individual tyrants spread, the flow of chaos; sick meat a large number of listed, endangering the health of consumers; mechanized slaughtering facilities a lot of idle, serious waste of resources; serious environmental pollution;

(4) according to the law of norms (1998 - 2014)

On January 1, 1998, the State Council promulgated and implemented the Regulations on the Administration of Pig Slaughter. Regulate pig slaughtering behavior, improve the quality of pig products to protect people's meat safety, and achieved remarkable results. In 2013, the State Council decided to hand over the Ministry of Commerce's pig slaughter management function to the Ministry of Agriculture. Since then, pig slaughter management has entered a new stage.

January 2010, the Ministry of Commerce in accordance with the "Food Safety Law", "pig slaughtering regulations" and "pig slaughtering regulations on the implementation of the" requirements of the relevant provisions of the preparation of the "national pig slaughtering industry development plan" Outline "). According to the present situation of pig slaughter in China, it is proposed to standardize the planning of pig slaughtering industry in 2010-2015 to support the development of large-scale and mechanized slaughtering enterprises, eliminate manual slaughter, support the development of advanced productive forces, eliminate backward production capacity, and strive for national hand and half Mechanization and other backward pig slaughtering capacity out of 30%, 2015 behind the slaughter of slaughter production capacity will be eliminated 50%, big cities and developed areas and strive to eliminate 80% of the goal.

China pig slaughtering industry status:

According to Yu Bo Zhi industry market research center to understand, from 2011 to 2012, the Ministry of Commerce and other 9 departments in the country to carry out pig slaughtering qualification examination and clearance work. All localities and departments concerned have carried out audit and cleanup of pig slaughtering plants (farms) and small pig slaughterhouse sites in strict accordance with the conditions and standards stipulated in the relevant laws and regulations. The slaughterhouse slaughterhouse (field) was reduced from 5919 to 4585, and the reduction rate was 22.5%. The slaughterhouse was reduced from 14019 to 10135, with the reduction rate of 27.7%. The total number of pig slaughtering enterprises decreased from 19938 to 14720, a decrease of 5218, a decrease of 26.2%. The end of 2012 the national pig slaughtering industry situation, the Ministry of Commerce statistics of the pig slaughtering enterprises 4585, accounting for 31% of the pig slaughtering industry; small pig slaughterhouse 10135, accounting for 69% of the pig slaughtering industry. Small pig slaughterhouse accounts for about 70% of the industry.